Want to Build a Thriving Wellness Community of Life-long Buyers?

Learn how by downloading your FREE copy
of the Wellness Educator's Blueprint.


Wellness Educator's Blueprint

Think of your wellness community as the heart of your digital presence.

It's a dynamic space where individuals not only connect with you but also form bonds with each other.

Benefits of a wellness community:

  • Builds Trust
  • Personal Touch
  • Lead Generation
  • Audience Engagement
  • Shifts Focus from Sales Tactics to Education
heart of your digital presence
focus on building

When you focus on building a wellness community

of people eager to invest in a life of vitality, you move from having to chase people
to buy things to being seen as a valued resource people seek out.

This allows you to Create Sales Without being Seen as 'Salesy'!

The challenge lies in perception:

When people see you doing things online that give the perception you're a salesperson their guard goes up and they become far more resistant to your messaging.

Create Sales Without Salesy

Transition from traditional sales tactics to becoming an invaluable wellness educator.
Position yourself not just as a seller, but as a trusted resource,
mastering the art of creating sales without the 'salesy' feel.

Are you prepared to make the shift from
Salesperson to -> Wellness Educator?

Transition from traditional sales

The Blueprint will give you a roadmap

to attract, enroll and retain clients by positioning yourself not just as a seller, but as a trusted resource, mastering the art of creating sales without the 'salesy' feel.

The Wellness Educator's Blueprint – more than just a strategy, it’s your gateway to revolutionizing your online wellness business.

Blueprint roadmap
Testimonial Jasmine Labrèche

"A big role in my 'showing up' on social spaces..."

YFP tips and tools play a big role in my 'showing up' on social spaces. They are also essential to my business journey in general.

- Jasmine Labrèche

Your Blueprint to Success:

This blueprint offers you the strategy and action steps needed to become
a fully equipped wellness educator and grow a community eager to invest in a life of vitality.

Inside the Blueprint, Discover:

  • The foundations for success.
  • How to build a community and attract people to it.
  • The educational ecosystem needed to power it all.
  • The roadmap to find, enroll and retain clients.
  • What you need to be a fully equipped wellness educator.

Beyond Business:

You,re not just setting up a business; you're igniting a wellness revolution! A party of health and happiness that everyone is eager to join.

Blueprint to Success
Testimonial PJ Myers

"You are in the right place..."

You are in the right place with the right tribe of people surrounding and supporting you!

- PJ Myers

Download Your FREE Copy Now!



All testimonials and success stories on our website are from members of Your Freedom Project and they're not compensated for their testimonials and endorsements.
Shaklee Corporation is not affiliated with and does not endorse Your Freedom Project.